these thorns

the fridge groans

a tumbling washer.

taking these steps

to come closer to myself.

from shrink to expand

power in powder

heart and art in earth

learning to hear so that

i may speak

learning to feel 

to touch.

from planning to i am

internally homeless to 

eternal belonging.

pulling back 

the pieces of myself 

which were shattered 

by lies.

from good/bad to healthy/unhealthy

from fight to flow

flying jellyfish

track of time. time track

the train has a soothing 

scream to it.

from feeling burdened by the world,

the world now holds me.

blue dragon flies 

delicate wings

trying to control 

shakes me sore and nervous.

learning to direct these emotions

so that they may serve me.

volcanic anger

pedals me up a 

steep hill.

internal eruption

ash of afraid to aid.

singing my 

own song now


suppression of one emotion 

surfaces another

from expire to express.

processing to 

see clearly

this fury.

my own doctor 

and medicine.

these emotions once

tired me

now rebooting my system.

water blurs the edges

touched by your eyes.

these ropes of tension 

release their grip on me.

space dust


i am an experience

breathing and living 

is important to me.


shoving you away

only tightens your hold on me

freezing and compressing.

you knock when 

my sense of responsibility 

is heightened

shortening my breath

you are concerned 

about my health.

anger external and fiery

i want to be 

continuously cracked


sure in insurance.

ear in clear

rest in resist

this urgent storm 

requires action.

no more or less than Alaya.

i acknowledge myself now.

blackberry bush

speaking with these thorns

catching my sleeves

when i try to pick where

i am not welcome.

discerning what is mine 

and what is not.

rock bottom

screaming with full lungs

as the train rolls by.

i allow myself to break down

not being ok is ok.


urgency in rewiring

so that my current can flow.

seeing this through. seeing through this.